
U-Bahn Bogen Gürtellinie 22-23, 1080 Vienna

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18:00 - 19:00



Son Cubano Basics + Open Level

In diesem Semesterkurs mit Martin und Joanna lernst du die Grundlagen des Son Cubano bzw. baust auf bereits vorhandenen Son-Kenntnissen auf und entwickelst diese weiter. Der Kurs ist sowohl für Einsteiger:innen in die Welt des Son als auch Personen mit Vorkenntnissen geeignet. Inhalte und Betreuung werden an individuelle Bedürfnisse angepasst.

Vorkenntnisse in einem (beliebigen) Salsastil von Vorteil, kein Muss. Basic/Open Level

15 Sessions:
Tuesday, 18:00-19:00, 03.10.2023-23.01.2024 (except 26.12. + 02.01.)

€135/€120 reduced*
*school & university students, apprentices U30

Fanialive, U-Bahn Bogen Gürtellinie 22-23, 1080 Vienna

Mode of registration:
First come, first served. If a course/workshop/event is fully booked, there will be a waitlist.

We dance in couples. Ideally please register as dance couples. For solo registrations there is a contingent that will be adjusted depending on registration numbers (see available spaces at registration below).

Upon registration you are going to receive two messages at the email address entered during registration: an automated confirmation message as well as - separately after verification - a message with your invoice and the necessary details for the transfer. Possible prerequisites or proof of discount eligibility will be checked at the start of the event.

Transfer for the course/workshop/event after receipt of the invoice within the payment period given. Participation without prior transfer is not possible. No cash payment on site.

Cancelation policy see GTC.