Cuban SALSA BASICS for all U30 – Tuesday 20:15
Warteliste für Paare und Follower! Leader können sich anmelden.
A special offer for everyone under the age of 30!
In this semester course (15 weeks) you learn the basics of Cuban salsa (=Casino) in couples as well as in the rueda format (with the couples jointly dancing figures called by a "cantante" and frequently changing dance partners).
You can find more info on Casino and Rueda de Casino in our dance guide.
You are up to 30 (max. 35) years old.
(If you're unsure about meeting the age requirement, please contact us at [email protected] before registering.)
15 Sessions:
Tuesday, 20:15-21:15, 04.03.-24.06.2025 (except 15. + 22.4. Easter)
€150/€132 reduced*
* students/apprentices U30
Kangaworld, Schottenfeldgasse 60, courtyard entrance, last courtyard, 3rd floor, 1070 Vienna
Mode of registration:
First come, first served. If a course/workshop/event is fully booked, there will be a waitlist.
We dance in couples and in the group (rueda). Ideally please register as dance couples. For solo registrations there is a contingent that will be adjusted daily depending on registration numbers (may be different from the number of available places shown below!).
Upon registration you are going to receive two messages at the email address entered during registration: an automated confirmation message as well as - separately after verification - a message with your invoice and the necessary details for the transfer. Possible prerequisites or proof of discount eligibility will be checked at the start of the event.
Transfer for the course/workshop/event after receipt of the invoice within the payment period given. Participation without prior transfer is not possible. No cash payment on site.
Your registration is binding and liable to payment.
Cancelation policy see GTC.